...с футболки Microsoft Tech-Ed (за что отдельная благодарность маман. Иногда удобно иметь родителей по уши компьютерщиков)

(опять инглиш, но оно того стоит)

IT Professional | eye-tee pour-feshen-all - noun

1. Individual involved in the professional study or use of systems (esp. computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving and sending information

2. Often uses the words "synergize" and "system restart" as verbs and "impactful" as adjectives

3. Can be abusive and critical during time of stress but will often find calmness around such office environments as the "water cooler" and is most comfortable when engaging in "unilateral eco-banter"

не знаю, где они берут траву, но трава очень милая :gigi:

@темы: хе-хе, фсякая фсячина